Really nice. That first shot.

Dec 26, 2014,11:24 AM

Beautiful colors, Casey.  Great to see you flying the flag of color film!


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Editors choice: Hokkaido Trip

 By: cshimokita : December 26th, 2014-00:31
Over the next days I will be posting some photos from my recent trip to Hokkaido... In kind of a reverse logic, I will first share my selection of favorite photos from that trip. Kind of a top 10 (note: not best and not in any particular order). I spent o...  

Wonderful choices.....

 By: KIH : December 26th, 2014-00:36
Definitelly wonderful pictures. These are THE country side of Japan. Wish I could make such a long trip!! Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the next installment. Ken

Thank you Ken...

 By: cshimokita : December 26th, 2014-17:56
Hokkaido is a very friendly place, and the "country" side is even more so. Maybe in 2015 we can find some time to shoot around Tokyo / Kanto Have a great New Year and see you soon... Casey

Thanks for these superb ( and freezing ) postcards, Casey.

 By: amanico : December 26th, 2014-01:10
A nice slice of escape for those who have to keep on working. Much appreciated. Best, Nicolas

Nicolas... I was working behind the lens ;)

 By: cshimokita : December 26th, 2014-17:57
... and it was a labor of love... I am enjoying to see the images as well, it's always a different experience to the actual taking of the photos. Thank you for your comments... Casey

Love the second shot!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : December 26th, 2014-02:03
Happy Holiday's! Best Blomman

The film photopraphy....

 By: watercolors : December 26th, 2014-05:25
has that something. I can not put my finger on what it is! Possibly the depth not seen on digital? The shade of gray ? In any event , it stands out! Thank You for sharing this wonderful memories Casey. Regards Edward

Thanks Edward...

 By: cshimokita : December 26th, 2014-18:01
I have recently had similar experiences when reading... My retention seems to be better if I read a physical book... when using my ebook reader I tend to forget the details... maybe it has something to do with associating a detail with a physical location... 

there is just something "extra"..with film

 By: ocwatching : December 29th, 2014-15:14
great shots... thank you

Thank you ocwatching...

 By: cshimokita : December 30th, 2014-19:21
Like many I have followed the (film/digital) discussions on the internet and also among friends... including the discussions about scanning / digital printing as opposed to wet printing... I will say that I very much enjoy holding one of Jeff's prints in ... 

Thank you Blomman...

 By: cshimokita : December 26th, 2014-17:58
When the storm moves off the ocean it's quite the experience... You can see it coming from a distance as the intensity picks up. For this photo I was kneeling on the lee side of a building to protect the lens (and myself) from the freezing wind. It's also... 

First photo is amazing!

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : December 26th, 2014-05:43
Second is artistic On both you can feel mighty power of nature unleashed but in romantic way on first and melancholically artistic on second Thank you for sharing Casey Sincerely Damjan

Thank you Damjan...

 By: cshimokita : December 26th, 2014-18:02
The first photo was my first photograph of the ocean at Rumoi, and has some personal significance due to the physical conditions under which I managed to be working at that moment. When I got to the hotel, cleaned the equipment, and finally found a hot me... 

Now we are talking cold!

 By: fernando : December 26th, 2014-06:22
Thanks for sharing these fantastic photos with us Casey. I can almost feel what you had to endure to capture these memorable moments on film. Best fernando

Thanks fernando...

 By: cshimokita : December 26th, 2014-18:03
I was in the sunshine of Sapporo and two hours later I was knee deep in snow on the edge of an ocean cliff ;) It's like being in a self contained setting... what is in front of the lens is the only thing. As photographers, we tend to be aware of our surro... 

Really nice. That first shot.

 By: J_Warden : December 26th, 2014-11:24
Beautiful colors, Casey. Great to see you flying the flag of color film! Jeff

hahaha, thank you Jeff...

 By: cshimokita : December 26th, 2014-18:04
Color film... I think the photo of the mailman on his motorcycle is a good result of color film usage. For a few minutes the sun came out and conditions were (for that photo) excellent. I was near the end of a roll, and trying to find a place out of the w... 

That's snow!

 By: jporos : December 26th, 2014-20:12
Really like the third photo, Casey. Stay warm!

Thank you John...

 By: cshimokita : December 27th, 2014-00:24
I also have a fondness for the third photo... It reminds me of the movie 鉄道員 (Railroad Man) that featured the actor Ken Takakura who died in last month at the age of 83... I watched the movie in Japanese and didn't get all the dialog, who am kidding, I wa... 

Magic of film

 By: flamenco : December 27th, 2014-05:58
looks surreal , so life like. Great images of a great place ! The first 3 are quite superb. My Favourite of a great series ! Which part of Hokkiado did u run into the blizzard ? Presume u took the shot indoors !?! Btw, I love to retire in Hokkaido! Keep e... 

Thank you flamenco...

 By: cshimokita : December 27th, 2014-19:49
The first five photos are from Rumoi, about two hours north of Sapporo, number six through eight in Sapporo, and number nine was taken in Otaru which is about 40 minutes to the west (on the line to Niseko and Hakodate). The heavy snow was in the Rumoi are...  


 By: Avatar : December 27th, 2014-12:04
The first photo in that selection is particularly beautiful. A certain stunning bleakness to it. Would like to see more. Regardless, thanks for posting.

Thanks Avatar... more are now in process... [nt]

 By: cshimokita : December 27th, 2014-20:01
Thanks Avatar... will post more soon... [nt]

Faaantastic series...

 By: Echi : December 27th, 2014-21:57
You know the pics that I like from this series ;-) Which brings me to the next question… are you going to try and wet print these or inkjet? I'm sure it was quite the memorable trip! One of these days, I think I'll go to Japan to photograph with you and m... 

Thank you Echi...

 By: cshimokita : December 28th, 2014-04:42
I will most likely have a few printed at my local photo shop... the guy who runs the place is a very good nature photographer using medium format... He does a bit of 120 format reversal film and is a Pentax user... They do large prints in-house and the yo... 

Thank you watchthatman...

 By: cshimokita : December 29th, 2014-00:06
That photo with the boat and the dock is from the port city of Otaru (小樽市) on Ishikari Bay... It seems that the word "Otaru" is of Ainu origin, one translation is "River running through the sandy beach"... The city is very well known for sushi and there i... 

I suspect that you, like me, love learning about word origins and how languages relate.

 By: watchthatman : December 29th, 2014-13:00
Just yesterday I ordered "A history of languages" from Oxford press. Can't wait to crack it open.

I enjoy the historical details...

 By: cshimokita : December 29th, 2014-21:45
To be honest I struggle with learning another language, but I do enjoy the certain historical aspects... and there is so much to "unlearn" that I normally look into the details to see-for-myself... Some years ago Eduardo sent around a list of words that a... 

Saudade - I learned that word because it was the title of a beautiful song played

 By: watchthatman : December 30th, 2014-20:03
at the end of the night when one of my university bars was closing. Great to reread the translation. What a rich, soulful word.

Thanks !!!

 By: bimbeano : December 28th, 2014-14:00
Casey, keep em coming .. i really enjoyed the first series :-) The picture at the train station is my favorite ... Filip

Thanks Filip...

 By: cshimokita : December 29th, 2014-00:09
I have a couple of more sets queued up, will post before the end of the year ;) Also talked to the local print shop earlier today about some enlargements... Hope you have a great start to the New Year !!! Casey

All 10 are very nice

 By: Quan : January 5th, 2015-00:51
if ask me to choose, #2 and last one is my fave thanks Casey

This is where you need an assistant...

 By: cshimokita : January 6th, 2015-17:23
In that second photo I could have used an assistant to run out by that second telephone pole, face the camera, and look storm beaten ;) That last one is also one of my favorites... and I found the location while walking in the rain between lunch at 回転寿司 和...  

Thank you

 By: E in PA : March 8th, 2024-11:22
for reposting this. It is quintessential Casey. Attention to detail, engaging all respondents. I know he had interest in street photography and I believe he then applied it to broader landscapes. He found a way to make the mundane more compelling and I th... 

Well said. Indeed, a photographer’s photographer. To add to his photography being true, he never tried being clever with his compositions as well..

 By: Echi : March 8th, 2024-16:31
Whatever it was that he was trying to capture, it was for himself and not for anyone else. The world-at-large was just an afterthought. His photographs of what he saw in everyday Tokyo was really him documenting his life. His compositions served to frame ... 

"Sometimes, a railroad track . . .

 By: Dr No : March 8th, 2024-16:35
. . . is just a railroad track." 😌 ...  


 By: amanico : March 8th, 2024-17:17

I would say

 By: E in PA : March 8th, 2024-19:37
and different from me, he was a photographer who made art and I am an artist who takes photographs.