I am very sorry to hear of your loss.

May 22, 2011,20:56 PM

My condolences to you and your family. Thank you for taking us on a beautiful journey.


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Pilgrimage to the top of the mountain...

 By: ThomasM : May 21st, 2011-05:17
Dear Purist Friends, I suffered a great personal loss recently. Some of you know that I've been dealing with this matter for more than 4 years. It is partially one of the reasons for the very existence of PuristSPro, as it evolved from ThePuristS. ChocoFr...  

My thoughts are with you ..

 By: bimbeano : May 21st, 2011-06:28
My thoughts are with you Thomas ... i wasn't aware you suffered such an immense loss .... :-( I can only confirm your pilgrimage was the right thing to do ... both for you and the beloved one you lost. Sincere, Filip

I'm lost for words, Thomas

 By: Frederick : May 21st, 2011-08:50
Your touching thoughts, plus the beautiful pictures brings everything into focus. Too often we are so engrossed in our modern society, we don't appreciate the beauty and love around us. Everyone should take a moment, pull back from the chaos, and show how... 

thanks for posting

 By: eloise : May 21st, 2011-08:58
what a beautiful post! - a beautiful tribute to a beautiful person. thank you for sharing with the larger purist community and for reminding us to appreciate both the finiteness and infiniteness that life has to offer. as always, our thoughts are with you... 

Very touching tribute,

 By: InHavenPro : May 21st, 2011-09:46
thank you for sharing, Filip

Thomas, I hope we'll meet soon, my friend.

 By: amanico : May 21st, 2011-12:17
Most of us has to face this unvavoidable situation, Thomas. And there is no solution to feel better. We all feel for your loss, pain, and " affective solitude " . It won't replace your loss and pain, but IGOTT II is very close, and you will have, around y... 

Non amissi, sed praemissi...

 By: pplater : May 21st, 2011-19:43
Cheers, pplater.

re: Pilgrimage

 By: DRMW : May 21st, 2011-22:46
Hope you and the family are well Thomas, Your father will live on in your hearts and memories, may his PuristS values carry on to everyone around. -Ming

My deepest condolences to you on your loss.

 By: watch-guy.com : May 21st, 2011-22:48
I wish you a long and fruitful life Julian

That's a lovely way to remember ...

 By: AndrewD : May 21st, 2011-23:02
That's a lovely way to remember your father, Thomas. So many wonderful attributes. So much to live up to. So inspirational. And it should also make us think of family and friends still around us. The effect that we have on them, and others, as we pass thr... 

I feel for you Thomas

 By: dreamer8 : May 21st, 2011-23:56
Very nicely written homage.There's much beauty,tranquility and peacefulness in those photos and the fond and loving memories would give you much strength in moving forwards.Kindest Regards.

you definitely did the right thing!

 By: MattS : May 21st, 2011-23:36
Great pilgrame and great report to share with us. All my sympathy to you and your family. Matt

You walk tall, Thomas

 By: tom_hanx : May 21st, 2011-23:40
Little if any words can follow your emotional story, Thomas. I am new around, so will permit myself only this little note - those who have moved on keep living in our hearts, stories and memories we pass on to those after us. Until we remember and carry t... 

A very touching tribute.

 By: dxboon : May 22nd, 2011-00:06
Thank you for taking us on this journey with you, TM. I hope the trek brought you a modicum of peace. It's difficult to lose a loved one, but I hope you take solace in the great affection that all of us, your PuristS family, have for you. Take good care. ... 

Very moving words, Thomas.

 By: foversta : May 22nd, 2011-02:18
Thanks a lot Thomas for this lesson for us all. Fx

My thoughts are with you Thomas...

 By: Jester : May 22nd, 2011-05:17
Take care my friend. I have never had the honour of meeting the gentleman yet I can certainly sense his philosophical influence. He will be missed.

Sorry to have never met this Ur-Purist...

 By: DonCorson : May 22nd, 2011-05:59
who will continue to influence our trajectory without our having known. Strength to you and your family Thomas, we are thinking of you. Don

I have been through similar situation...

 By: KIH : May 22nd, 2011-06:07
.. again, I am very sorry for your loss. I have been there, twice, in my life so far. It never gets easier at the second time. I just hope he be free of pain and happy up there. Yours, Ken

Great people pass, but their legacy remains

 By: Cookies : May 22nd, 2011-07:00
That's why I always try to keep a momento of the great person I respect, to remember their great values and emulate them. I can feel your loss from the photos of the mountains, that make me think of transience and eternity.

Very touching and inspirational

 By: nikolaj : May 22nd, 2011-07:09
It is obvious that the person was a great source of inspiration for many through his actions and deeds, but I think I am not alone when I say that it is also obvious that his influence was so strong that it continues to live and thrive through you - and h... 

Thomas, thank you for taking us with you on your pilgrimage.

 By: CaliforniaJed : May 22nd, 2011-08:07
This is a time to mourn, and we're here to share that with you, but there will certainly be a time to dance again, too. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, friend. JL

Deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences goes out to you and your family.

 By: Bill : May 22nd, 2011-09:07
Dear Thomas Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Bill

Hoping to be with you on the top of the hopes!

 By: Dje : May 22nd, 2011-09:44
Dear Thomas, You did your best to help him reach the top end of his life. I hope he has taken you to the heights of wisdom and the family will soon find the peace. You have to rest too. You deserve it. Enjoy life. Take care Jerome

Thanks for the touching post Thomas

 By: AnthonyTsai : May 22nd, 2011-11:23
I hope your pilgrimage to the top of the mountain has brought you some peace. Your dad should be very proud of the son he raised and the kind heart you exhibit towards everyone. - Anthony

dearest Thomas, my most deepest of condolences.

 By: et : May 22nd, 2011-11:28
knowing that you've struggled and fought with this inevitable day makes it no easier. your wonderful words coupled with the exquisite photographs brings one more ray of sunshine out from behind those dark clouds. my loving thoughts to you, your wife and o... 

So sorry to hear your news Thomas. It was, as it is for

 By: 219 : May 22nd, 2011-12:28
all of us along some metric, a losing battle. Time heals all wounds, and while the memory will never fade, the loss and suffering will hopefully diminish. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Andrew H

Condolences TM to you and your family

 By: ED209 : May 22nd, 2011-12:28
Very touching words and a great tribute to the underlying principles and values of your father. May he rest in peace. Regards, ED-209

An inspiring eulogy...

 By: mrsnak : May 22nd, 2011-13:40
...to someone who clearly made a difference in your life. Even more that it was your father. Having that kind of relationship is what many fathers and sons only dream of. Thank you for sharing something so deeply personal. This message has been edited by ... 

Thoughts are with you, Thomas.

 By: Davo : May 22nd, 2011-15:22
And thank you for sharing your feelings with us all at this difficult time. All the best to you and your family.

Condolence to you and family..

 By: ocwatching : May 22nd, 2011-19:20
Lovely tribute and great prose... So sorry for your loss Thomas...

I am very sorry to hear of your loss.

 By: JerryW : May 22nd, 2011-20:56
My condolences to you and your family. Thank you for taking us on a beautiful journey. Regards, JerryW

Sorry to hear your loss and my condolences

 By: foowy : May 22nd, 2011-22:01
But I am really glad to read you are moving on pass and beyond Remembering the good and looking at the positives and how you will apply the same philosophy for future generations As I get older (and hopefully wiser), I find myself more interested in the l... 

The allegory rendered . . .

 By: Dr No : May 23rd, 2011-12:39
. . . by the photos - struggle, achievement, splendor, and rebirth - illustrate the cycle of a virtuous life. You are his achievement. He still lives through you and everyone you've influenced, starting with your children. Peace be upon you at this trying... 

Thomas, I still remember the day when you

 By: Valentin Blank : May 23rd, 2011-21:21
first told me about your father's fight. I am very sad to hear about your loss and I am deeply moved by your tribute. All my sympathies to you and your family! Valentin

The Yellow Mountain

 By: patrick_y : May 24th, 2011-00:27
The Yellow Mountain is indeed one of God's greatest masterpieces in the landscape of this planet he has created. He has a right to be proud. The man who means so much to you is also accredited with creating much. However, I am confident his proudest achie... 

An eloquent and moving post

 By: Ubik : May 24th, 2011-01:53
My condolences for your loss Thomas. The PuristSPro is a big hearted community. In the short time I've been here I've had the wonderful opportunity to meet and befriend many different people from backgrounds and with interests that I never would have met ... 

Our deepest condolences...

 By: Vinontre : May 26th, 2011-19:16
... and our hearts and prayers are with you, as always... Thank you for sharing the touching story of your pilgrimage... I'm sorry to have never had the honor of meeting him, but from what I have heard, he was a true gentleman and Purist, in his devotion ... 

My Deepest Condolences to You and Your Family Thomas

 By: SALMANPK : May 26th, 2011-20:22
I apologize for finding out so late. I consider you my elder brother and mentor and I have learnt a tremendous amount from you and your example. I have to only thank your father for that. You and your Family will be in my prayers this Friday. S

Beautiful post, Thomas

 By: RobCH : May 27th, 2011-09:11
Thank you for the inspiration, and the encouragement to stop and reflect... Sorry for your loss.

Condolences to you and your family

 By: nitediver : May 28th, 2011-13:43
My sincere condolences to you and your family, Thomas. I remember the following sentence from an imortant person and hope that it will offer some comfort to you, as it did to me. Stefan "When you are looking for me, look in you heart. if you find me there... 

Thoughtful and moving

 By: elanoftroy : May 29th, 2011-14:04
Thomas, I've read your post a few times and am thankful you shared this with us; your reflections, photos and memoirs paint a vivid portrait of the character and spirit of one who well deserves great honor. You are very fortunate to have had such an aweso... 

Heart of Life

 By: turboguate : May 30th, 2011-10:56
You would know the secret of death. But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life? The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light. If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your hear... 


 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : June 1st, 2011-01:22
quite some time off the forum for personal reasons… in last few days I try to catch up... get all loose ends together… so I just stride upon this post... What to say than sincerest condolences … sad lost that is unavoidable and maybe tha... 

Thank you all for your very kind words...

 By: ThomasM : June 6th, 2011-02:22
they mean alot, and though it is still a roller coaster ride, your kind support has helped smooth out a little the lows... Thank you. TM