That small risk adds to the sense of achievement. [nt]

May 17, 2009,16:04 PM

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A nice day for a wilderness adventure

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-04:17
Living in a major city has its advantages -- restaurants, culture, nightlife...but sometimes you just want to leave civilization behind temporarily and commune with nature. Today was one of those days for me. When you wake up to birds chirping and a sky l...  

Sounds like you had an excellent adventure!

 By: DRMW : May 17th, 2009-04:30
Hello Daos! Don't you just love L.A.? We got the city, beach, and the mountains all near by! Thanks for sharing the pics of your hiking adventure. Are you an avid hiker? -MW

Hi MW!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-10:25
I like to hike (and the outdoors in general), but I'm not in great shape, so I prefer shorter hikes on flats or gradual inclines. This Mount Lowe hike is a good one for people like me as it is rated a "2 star" hike (4 or 5 being the hardest in the hiking ... 

Superb post, Daos.

 By: amanico : May 17th, 2009-04:35
Nicely written, and awesome pics! You make me want to go there! Yes, the roots with Nature are essential. Can't agree more with that. Best, and thanks, Sister. Nicolas

Thanks, Nicolas!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-10:30
If you ever travel our way there is a lot of natural beauty to witness. Of course, France has much natural beauty itself -- gorgeous mountain ranges, rolling green vineyards, flats full of lavender as far as the eye can see, and where the country meets th... 

it is very relaxing

 By: Quan : May 17th, 2009-04:48
to see such greeny mountain, thanks for poeting

Thanks, Quan!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-10:32
I would love to see pictures of your natural surroundings one of these days! Cheers, Daos

thank you Daos...

 By: MiniCooper : May 17th, 2009-07:21
for sharing your relaxing day cheers

No worries, PinkPanther!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-10:36
I'm glad we got to trek together, if only virtually! Cheers, Daos

Great - happy for you!! Having a faboulous time myself...

 By: nikolaj : May 17th, 2009-07:29
...crossing your beautiful continent from New York to Seattle (and back ) in car with 3 of my best friends. I am looking forward to sharing pictures with you all once I am back. Kind regards from Wyoming Nikolaj

Nikolaj, that's wonderful!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-10:49
"Road tripping" to see America by car is one of my favorite ways to explore our country. Driving the network of roads, large and small, allows you to see locales up close. One of my favorite vacations was a college road trip I took with my best friends th... 

I wish we had sceneries like that

 By: ianny : May 17th, 2009-07:49
where I live. Thanks for sharing Daos. Glad to know you had a great time. Regards, iAn

Hi iAn!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-10:51
Thanks for your kind words. Surely, you have different, but equally beautiful scenery in your locale. I think there is beauty to be found on all points of the planet. Cheers, Daos

Thanks for taking me along on your trek. I am getting inspired to take some photos. But

 By: Carol : May 17th, 2009-09:30
first I should up-grade my camera. What camera did you use to take these photos? Carol

That's great, Carol!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-11:00
Thanks for the nice words. I used a simple point-and-shoot camera called a Nikon Coolpix S550. It is a budget-friendly, highly portable camera. I will say, if you want to take really close macros of your watches (and who doesn't) it's not the best choice.... 

Great post!

 By: mrsnak : May 17th, 2009-10:17
I spent a few years hiking most of the trails in the Angeles Nat'l Forest. The trail that follows the Mount Lowe railway up to the ruins of the Great White City (resort that burned down early last century and was the destination for the rail service) was ... 

Hi Mrsnak!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-11:04
Thanks for all the information! You are a font of knowledge always! It is amazing to think about all the men and women in their formal wear hiking up Mount Lowe during the early days of the railroad project. I was sweaty and gross hiking it yesterday in m... 

The San Gabriels have history and hidden treasure.

 By: mrsnak : May 17th, 2009-16:59
Another wonderful (and not too difficult hike) is the one at the end of Sierra Madre Blvd. in Sierra Madre. Very popular with the locals on the weekends. Trail is well-maintained and has shade for a good part of it. Stunning canyon views. If you want the ... 

Thanks for the tip Mrsnak!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-17:20
Wow! This hike in Azusa sounds challenging. I will have to work my way up to a 6 hour hike probably! Looks cool though. I love discovering water features in the wilderness. Cheers, Daos

It's easier than you think

 By: mrsnak : May 17th, 2009-19:25
No real elevation gain/loss, just the stream crossings.

And to think I spent yesterday morning at work . . .

 By: Dr No : May 17th, 2009-10:44
. . . followed by a few hours in the afternoon with mrsnak, kevster, and FrankinCA to celebrate Frank's new Railmaster, and the rest of the day vegetating . . . cordially, Art

Other than the "at work" part...

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-11:07
...that sounds like a great Saturday, Art! Congrats to Frank on his new catch! I'm off for more outdoor adventures today at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center! Have a great Sunday, Art! Cheers, Daos

I love the mountains ...

 By: bimbeano : May 17th, 2009-12:13
... as long as i don't have to climb them .. Great post Daos, within an hour drive we especially have concrete :-( , well as i told before also a lot of chocolate-stores ... . Your pictures are great and appreciated, at least you had a healthy weekend. Gr...  

Filip, the drive was worth it for you though...

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-15:24 you got to see such splendid rock formations! If it makes you feel any better, I didn't have that "healthy" of a weekend. Wait for my next post. The desserts are going to kill you. I can't even think about the calories... Cheers, Daos

That could easily be a stretch of Oak Creek canyon in Sedona

 By: mrsnak : May 17th, 2009-17:07
Go here often. How many thousands of miles apart? This message has been edited by mrsnak on 2009-05-17 17:09:58

Sorry forgot the photos

 By: mrsnak : May 17th, 2009-17:11

Great pix, Mrsnak!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-22:04
Sedona is lovely! Thanks for sharing your photos! Cheers, Daos

Can't take credit for those particular shots :-(

 By: mrsnak : May 18th, 2009-08:43
But can for these. From Cathedral Rock...  

Stunning, Mrsnak!

 By: dxboon : May 18th, 2009-23:38
Thanks for sharing! Cheers, Daos

This is the south of France ..

 By: bimbeano : May 18th, 2009-00:44
les Cévennes ... gorges du tarn ... filip

So refreshing!

 By: Wooster : May 17th, 2009-12:19
Beautiful pictures, beautiful landscape... the type of images and impressions that make me wonder if, being a city person, I am not doing a fundamental mistake after all... Next w-e I'll go with my wife to a wedding, high up in the Carpathian mountains in... 

Hi Christian!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-15:39
Transylvania is one of the places I most want to go in the world! You are lucky to have experienced the Carpathians firsthand. Please do take photos if you can! My Seiko is a Japan model Seiko 5, reference number SNKE03J. It's actually 37mm, not including... 

It is indeed...

 By: Wooster : May 17th, 2009-16:43
... for the good and the worse of it, a place untouched by civilization. You know: the roads are not that fine and the facilities might be of a variable quality... but the green is truly green, the water is always fresh and cheese & tomatoes smell and... 

I've got to go in the morning...

 By: patrick_y : May 17th, 2009-12:59
I didn't know what I was missing. I've been to Angeles National Forest twice but always only in the late evening. A friend has taken me up the canyon road to see the view of Los Angeles, but it was too dark to appreciate the foliage in the immediate vicin... 

Sunset is supposedly the best time...

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-15:42 experience Mt. Lowe, according to many hiking guides, so your friend may have the right idea! As residents of SoCal, we've got a lot of great hiking here in our own backyard. Cheers, Daos

What a wonderful day.

 By: JWinog : May 17th, 2009-13:04
Thanks for taking us on your adventure Daos. My only question about your adventure is where is the food? Not sure why I am always worried about food. JerryW

Hi there, JerryW!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-15:49
My cousin brought some Power Bars (which I hate) along with us, but I'd almost rather forage for berries than eat a Power Bar. If it's a short hike -- this one was only about 2 hours round trip -- then I just bring water and Cliff Bars (Unfortunately, I w... 

Wow nice hike and pictures!

 By: AnthonyTsai : May 17th, 2009-14:56
Ping and I used to go on some hikes in NY, and the views are always so tranquil and relaxing. Nothing beats a clear blue sky with a cool breeze as your sitting on a rock enjoying a view of the trees while gulping down a cold brewsky with some cheese and s... 

There's some great hiking in NY

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-15:53
I've had good times with my NY-based friends exploring the Catskills. Salami and cheese sounds so good right now! I haven't had lunch yet! I bought some fresh burrata recently, so maybe I'll crack into that. Cheers, Daos

Thanks for taking us along on your journey…

 By: AndrewD : May 17th, 2009-15:30
Very nice photos and commentary. Were you able to walk through that tunnel or did you have to go overland to bypass the obstruction? I had a weekend of office work, but you have inspired me to get out more! Thanks again. Andrew

I did go through the tunnel...

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-16:00
...and there was a small rock slide on the other side. My cousin actually suggested we climb up and around the top of the small rock slide, where the rocks were larger and looked slightly more embedded, but I hate to go up when I can go through. I was pro... 

Fantastic Vistas and Hike :-) thank you for sharing it with us....

 By: SALMANPK : May 17th, 2009-18:08
I especially enjoyed Mt. Disappointment LooL S


 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-19:28
I found the name humorous as well! Especially after hiking up there in the hot sun! I thought to myself, "Someone was having a grumpy day!" Cheers, Daos

What a fun day!

 By: Ginger : May 17th, 2009-21:48
As for camera, I have just purchased an "all-purpose" non professional zoom lens for my digital SLR in anticipation of a trip next month. It is supposedly lightweight - I'll see when it arrives from Amazon. I'll try to take some food and watch shots as we... 

Hi Ginger!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-21:51
A new lens will be great for capturing all those "firsts" with your grandbaby! Yes, please show us some pictures from your upcoming trip! I look forward to traveling virtually with you! Cheers! Daos

Daos, cool post!

 By: CaliforniaJed : May 17th, 2009-22:23
We're going to try to get the kids excited about hiking so (someday) we can get out as a family and enjoy hikes like the one you took today. Best, Jed

I think the kids would love it!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-23:40
I wasn't able to get pictures, but there were tons of butterflies and cute little lizards scurrying around. I know once the kids are a little older they will appreciate these types of excursions more. Daos

What a great adventure in the San Gabriel mountains...

 By: ED209 : May 17th, 2009-23:28
Thanks for sharing your adventure. It looks like you had a fun time. The pics are great! Regards, ED-209 This message has been edited by ED209 on 2009-05-17 23:29:28

Thanks, Ed!

 By: dxboon : May 17th, 2009-23:37
It was a nice afternoon, for sure. I feel a bit more refreshed for the week ahead. Cheers, Daos